Harvest, Youth, Prayer and Money
Welcome to the latest news from St Cuthbert’s.
First – a reminder not to come to St Cuthbert’s this Sunday morning, but join us instead at St Catherine’s & St Paul’s church, opposite Morrisons, at the later time of 10.30am, when we are together with the congregation there for Mark Escott’s first Sunday as their vicar
Harvest Festival
is on Sunday 22nd September. We will be supporting the Bishop’s Harvest appeal, as well as thanking God for all his blessings. Please stay for a bring & share lunch afterwards – and don’t forget to sign up and say what you will be bringing, so we know we will have a varied spread on offer.
Calling all families with children in their teens (or approaching their teens!)
Come to a special evening at St Augustine’s Broxbourne and help us plan some exciting new provision for you. The date is Tuesday 24 September at 7.30pm, and we have a special guest speaker, Claire Banham. We need to know what you would like our churches to do for you.


We all know it’s important. but we all find it hard. This autumn we want to encourage you to find new joy in your prayer life. We have a prayer journey in the making, on Saturday 19 October from 10-12. Please come and join in, and stay for some food and fellowship before you go. Watch out for a simple questionnaire, as we want to ask you what prayer means to you. And our Sunday sermons in October will offer us some teaching and encouragement on the subject of prayer.
And finally
We need to keep you up to speed about our finances, which continue to be a challenge. Sunday 6 October will be Generosity Sunday – not something to make us guilty, but something to remind us that we have a generous God. We need to look to him for all we need, money included. I hope this Sunday will be a boost, as well as letting you all know what steps we are taking to steward our resources well and lean on God for everything.