We aren’t superstars, saints or celebrities. We aren’t popular, persuasive or proud. We are a bunch of local people, some old some young, some happy some sad, some weak and some strong.
But what unites us is what we’ve discovered about God – that he loves to draw all kinds of people together into a patchwork of friendships, laughter and action.
We love eating together, pitching in and getting our hands dirty, helping out when we can, patching up, mending our lives, our building and our dreams.
So if you’re worried about whether you would fit in, don’t! There’s probably someone here already just like you. And if there isn’t, then you’re just who we’re waiting for to add another spice to our variety.
It encourages us to read in the Bible about the people Jesus drew around him – how different they all were, not the obvious choices. Yet he stitched them together into something beautiful.
Come and join in with the patchwork he is making in Rye Park. No one is more welcome than you!
Regular events
Our services
We meet for worship on Sundays at 10am, and on Thursdays at 9.30. You’re welcome to join us.
We have activities for the children every Sunday, but not in August.
Children and Youth
Messy Church
- is a church, not just a craft club
- helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour
- is found across the world
- is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration
St Cuthbert’s Messy Church happens the 2nd Friday every month.
Check out the Messy Church Facebook page for details of the next one. No need to book – just come along at 4pm for crafts, talk, music and food. We look forward to meeting you.
Youth Ministry
Are you in Year 6 or above? Drop in at St Cuthbert’s on your way home from school every Friday from 3.15 (except when it’s Messy Church). Drink hot chocolate, eat toast, play games, chill. We call it Oasis.
It’s run in partnership with Young Life. see Home – Hoddesdon X2240 (ylinternational.org) for details.
Special Branch (Sunday School)
We don’t currently have a full Sunday school (we call it Special Branch). However, we do have a small group of us dedicated to making children feel welcomed each Sunday. Each week we have an activity around a theme (and sometimes we actually do it) but we are children led and enable them to experience being welcomed in God’s Church in a safe and fun way. See what we get up to here
Social Events
Warm Welcome
Thursday morning is the time to come and socialise with us. We have a midweek service at 9.30, and afterwards the coffee is on, there are various sticky treats (thank you Brookfield Tescos) and we end up with a soup & rolls lunch.
And it’s free.
Knit Stitch and Natter
Tuesday evenings in the hall, there is an opportunity to bring along whatever craft project you’re working on, and enjoy company as you create. We meet from 8pm each week.
Other Events
We run meals, quiz nights, special outdoor events in the park opposite the church, and more, all from time to time. Look out for details of our next activity either here on the website or on Facebook.