A busy Autumn ahead

A busy Autumn ahead

There’s lots of activity going on in and around St Cuthbert’s this autumn. Here are some of the highlights.

Youth Event – not yet

One thing that isn’t happening this autumn is the youth event we were advertising. We’re moving it back to a date in February, because so many people were unable to make the 24th September. Look out for a new date soon.

Broxbourne next Sunday

On Sunday 29 September we won’t be meeting here in Rye Park, but instead joining with all the other churches of the New River Group at St Augustine’s Broxbourne. Their service is at 11am, so you get a lie in! If you’re not sure where to go, this link will show you how to find St Augustine’s Church.

Fun & Food Fridays

What used to be called Oasis is now rebranded to Fun & Food Friday. It’s for anyone in school Years 7-9, and does what it says on the tin. We’re kicking off on Friday 18 October, so drop in on your way home from school.

Church members – we could do with volunteers to help serve the yummy food! Speak to Nick if you’re free to help.

Prayer Journey

We’ve been asking for your thoughts on prayer with a questionnaire, and we are following up with a Prayer Journey on Saturday 19 October, from 10-12pm. There will be several different prayer stations in church, to allow us to engage in a variety of methods of prayer, and refreshments during and afterwards in the hall. Come for the whole morning, or as much of it as you can spare. Thanks to Tish Bloomfield and Fran Murray, our prayer co-ordinators, for organising the morning.

Breakfast Special

Join us on Saturday 9 November for a breakfast, with Jim and Doreen Nicolson. Many of us have heard Jim speak about war history before, and we know what an interesting speaker he is. Doreen his wife will be sharing some of her poetry, to bring a new dimension to the morning. Let us know if you’d like to come, so we cook enough eggs & bacon, and roll up at 9am

Quiz Night

Once again, Karen Street will be doing one of her famous quizzes – this time on Saturday 16th November at 7.30pm. We will be raising money for St Cuthbert’s, so please be aware that this event will cost you! Hopefully the enjoyment will far outweigh the damage to your bank balance.

And that’s not all

There’s more going on this autumn – if you missed last week’s news, follow this link to hear about Generosity Sunday, A Time to Remember, and Carers Sunday.

2 Responses

  1. Patricia Bloomfield says:

    Prayer journey on Saturday 19th October.

    • Nick Sharp says:

      Oh what an omission! There’s a new revised version of the newsletter, with full details, now available. Sorry for the mistake!

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