Generosity Sunday, A Time to Remember, Carers Sunday

Generosity Sunday, A Time to Remember, Carers Sunday

From time to time we have special themes for our Sunday times together. This week I want to tell you about three of them.

Generosity Sunday

We want to inspire our trust in a generous God, so rather than saying we’re broke, give us more money, we are going to celebrate the goodness of God even more than we usually do on 6 October, which will be Generosity Sunday. Phil Dant, who has recently completed his Lay Leader of Worship training, will be leading the service for the first time in this new role, and he has a real gift for bringing forth his love of God in creation, so I’m really looking forward to what he has for us on this occasion.

A Time to Remember

Every year, we are involved in the funerals of many people. We meet families in all stages of grief, battling with feelings of loss and separation. Although we always do our best to make every funeral a fitting tribute to someone dearly loved, and the best experience for everyone who attends, grief isn’t fixed in a few weeks. The mourning process can (and probably should) last years. As part of our ongoing remembering of those no longer with us, we invite all the families we’ve met this past year to a service and refreshments afterwards. We will read a list of the names of all those loved ones as part of the service.

Maybe your grief was longer ago, but you still remember with pain in your heart. If you feel you would benefit from this service – you are welcome to join us, If you would like a name read out in the service, please get in touch. Follow this link to send us a message.

Carers Sunday

Back in April we focussed on the police. They enjoy a high profile, and they deserve our thanks and respect for the challenging, responsible and sometimes dangerous work they do.

Carers don’t have a high profile, are much less well rewarded or even unpaid, but the responsibility they carry is every bit as high. It’s no exaggeration to say they have people’s lives in their hands. We want to demonstrate our support for all carers, whether they are highly qualified medical professionals, or recent arrivals to the UK working the night shift in a care home. Whether they are sons and daughters of an elderly person, parents of a child with special needs, wife husband or partner to someone terminally ill. On Sunday 17 November we will hear their stories, pray for them and offer our thanks and respect.

2 Responses

  1. Rachel Sharp says:

    Is Carer’s Sunday on 10th or 17th? (Poster says 10th, text says 17th). Thank you.

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