Congratulations Sam & Dave, Garden Parties & Harvest Festival

Wedding bells are in the air at St Cuthbert’s. Or they would be, if we still had a bell to ring! We don’t, but we are still full of joy and excitement as we look forward to our dear friends, the Ogardians: Dave Brown and Sam Baker who are getting married in church this Sunday afternoon.
Sam & Dave have been running community events in Ogard Road for many years, and the church has got involved with them more and more as time has gone by. Now, they are really part of our church family, and we’re excited to host their wedding very soon. Look out for some pictures next week

Summer is upon us, though you wouldn’t always guess it because the sun keeps forgetting to shine. But nevertheless, in August there will be two garden parties, The first is on Saturday 3rd August, at the home of Fran & Angus Murray, 36 Baas Lane, Broxbourne. This is a fundraising event for St Cuthbert’s and there is a suggested donation of £10 for everyone attending. Come along and enjoy some delicious food, take in the delights of the Murrays’ lovely garden, and make some new friends in the process. It all kicks off at 2pm.
Then at the end of the month, on Saturday 24 August, there will be a tea party in the vicarage garden, 8 Ogard Road. Nick & Rachel are particularly inviting their neighbours in Ogard Road to this, but won’t be turning anyone else away! No charge this time, just come and enjoy the afternoon. Once again, it starts at 2pm.
Finally, advance warning that Harvest Festival will be on Sunday 22 September. We will have an All Age Service in church at 10am, and a special St Cuthbert’s bring & share lunch afterwards.
Everyone is very welcome.
And finally … don”t forget that we are having a joint service st St Catherine’s & St Paul’s church, Sunday 14th at 10.30, so there will be no morning service at St Cuthbert’s.